Saturday, August 12, 2006

Edinburgh Film Festival 2006

Having successfully completed my goal of seeing over 365 films last year, it is my aim this year to beat last year’s total of 369 films. I’m basically aiming for an average of over a film a day, but I don’t think I’ll keep a running total of the days this year as it seems a little confusing now I look at it again. I’m also aiming to beat last year’s total of films seen at Edinburgh, but as the festival lasts two days longer this year (it’s the 60th anniversary, you know) that shouldn’t be difficult. Suffice it to say that if I see more than 47 films at Edinburgh this year it will be Mission Accomplished.

Anyway, I took the train up (a mere £46) and arrived just in time to pick up my press pass on Saturday afternoon, thanks to the efforts of a taxi driver who positively relished the opportunity to get me where I needed to go in a short space of time (“You do know there’s a parade on, sir? Ach, hang on – I’ll see what I can do…”). Settled in, hit a cocktail bar (Kohl, cocktail bar fans) and had a delicious Strawberry Smash before deciding that unless I wanted to be a) bankrupt and b) hungover, I’d probably better leave and get an early night, ready for the press screenings bonanza tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Get yerself on down to Rick's, laddie, for a martini. You won't regret it.
